Ok I had to go to the dental place in the city on Wednesday to get an operation done on my gums. Kinda like a skin graft thing, but with my gums. Well they took a part out of the roof of my mouth and stuck it on the bottom of my lower jaw. A part where the gums on my tooth was worn away and it had to be replaces.
It wasn't to bad...
Ok it was. It was horrible!!!
I never want to go threw that again! I had to get 4 needles! *cries* anything but needles!! You wanna know how much I hate them? I see the needle and tears start running off my face. The assistant was dabbing at them with a tissue for about 5 min, it was sad. And then he came at me with a scalpel! Well actually I wanted to see what he was doing when he pulled that out. It was kinda neat! I knew he was cutting but I couldn't feel it, it was kinda cool. I asked what he was doing and he said he would tell but I probably wouldn't want to know. And I thought maybe its best I don't ask.
Ohwell, I haven't been in any real pain yet. Just discomfort from feeling like I got gum sticking to the side and roof of my mouth. (That's the cover/bandage stuff he put on to keep it from getting touched.). But the thing is, when he put the stuff on the roof of my mouth where he cut it out, he didn't cover the whole area. And when I was half way home (about 1:30hour drive) I felt up with my tongue and there was a space there where I could feel where the roof of my mouth was cut out with the scalpel. It was so annoying! I was allowed to eat foods like soft pasta's and stuff but I was paranoid at getting something stuck up there because then I wouldn't be able to get it out! So I've been surviving on milkshakes, and jell-o for the past 48 hours.
Oh! And I was suppose to go see my regular dentist next Wednesday but NoOoooooo! He had to go on vacation till the Monday after that! ARGH! And I wear a retainer! And to all those out there who use one, ya know its painful to put it back in after a few days of having it out. I'm going to be over a week! I'm probably going to have to get brasses again! Ahh! Why me!?
Well I'm going to sign off for now, I'll write more later!
Bye bye!